Visit these Informative Resources to learn more about Family Law & Divorce

Filing for divorce can be a stressful and emotional process, so it is important to have all of the support you need during this difficult time. Hiring an experienced law firm to guide you through the divorce process can help reduce stress and benefit the outcome of the divorce. In getting yourself prepared for the divorce process in Indiana here are a few resources:


Divorce Laws:

Indiana Family Laws:

IACP – International Academy of Collaborative Professionals:

Split Film:

You can find more resources within our website by clicking here.

Our law firm has over 100 years’ experience in divorce and other family law matters. This concentration enables our clients to move forward in their lives in an efficient and positive manner. Our goal is to help you face and overcome the adversities of your divorce while protecting your rights, your financial interests, your family, and your future. Call our law firm today at 317-580-9295 to schedule a consultation.

Job Well Done

Wendy Kaufman became an associate at Ruppert & Schaefer in June of 2015, helping our Family Law practice assist more people in matters such as divorce. Recently she received this at the end of a case:Capture 5We’re so glad to have Wendy on board!